
A selection of Professor Cartwright’s publications are listed below, please click here to see all her publications

Selected Publications

Authored books

Munro, E., Cartwright, N., Hardie, J. & Montuschi, E. (2017). Improving Child Safety: deliberation, judgement and empirical research. Durham: Centre for Humanities Engaging Science and Society (CHESS).
Cartwright, Nancy D (2013). Evidence: For Policy and Wheresoever Rigor is a Must. London: LSE.
Cartwright, N. & Hardie, J. (2012). Evidence Based Policy: A Practical Guide to Doing it Better. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Cartwright, N., Cat, J., Fleck, L. & Uebel, T.E. (2008). Otto Neurath: Philosophy between Science and Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Cartwright, N. (2007). Causal powers: what are they? why do we need them? what can be done with them and what cannot?.
Cartwright, N. (2007). Hunting Causes and Using Them: Approaches in Philosophy and Economics. Cambridge University Press.
Cartwright, N. (2000). Measuring Causes: Invariance, Modularity and the Causal Markov Condition.
Cartwright, N. (1999). The Dappled World: A Study of the Boundaries of Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Cartwright, N. (1989). Nature’s Capacities and Their Measurement. Oxford University Press.
Cartwright, N. (1983). How the Laws of Physics Lie. Oxford University Press.

Chapters in books

Cartwright, N. (Forthcoming). Why Mixed Methods Are Necessary for Evaluating Any Policy. In Frontiers of social science: philosophical reflections. Nagatsu, M. & Ruzenne, A. Bloomsbury.
Cartwright, N. & Merlussi, P. (2018). Are laws of nature consistent with contingency?. In Laws of Nature, an anthology. Ott, W. & Patto, L. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 221-244.
Marcellesi, A. & Cartwright, N. (2018). Modeling mitigation and adaptation policies to predict their effectiveness: The limits of randomized controlled trials. In Climate Modelling: Philosophical and Conceptual Issues. Lloyd, E. & Winsberg, E. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 449-480.
Cartwright, N. (2018). Will Your Policy Work? Experiments versus Models. In The Experimental Side of Modeling. Peschard, I.F. & van Frassen, B.C. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Cartwright, N., Bradburn, N. & Fuller, J. (2017). A Theory of Measurement. In Measurement in Medicine: Philosophical Essays on Assessment and Evaluation. McClimans, L. London: Rowman & Littlefield.
Cartwright, N. (2017). Can Structural Equations Explain How Mechanisms Explain?. In Making a Difference: Essays on the Philosophy of Causation. Beebee, H., Hitchcock, C. & Price, H. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 132-152.
Cartwright, N. (2017). Causal Powers: Why Humeans Can’t Even Be Instrumentalists. In Causal Powers. Jacobs, Jonathan D. Oxford New York: Oxford University Press. 9-23.
Cartwright, N. & Marcellesi, A. (2016). Deliberating Policy: Where morals and methods mix. In The Philosophy of Philip Kitcher. Couch, M. & Pfeifer, J. New York: Oxford University Press. 229-252.
Cartwright, N. & Davis, J.B. (2016). Economics as Science. In Who Runs the Economy? The Role of Power in Economics. Skidelsky, R. & Craig, N. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 43-55.
Cartwright, N. (2016). Single Case Causes: What is Evidence and Why. In Philosophy of Science in Practice: Nancy Cartwright and the Nature of Scientific Reasoning. Chao, H. & Reiss, J. Cham: Springer International Publishing. 11-24.
Cartwright, N. (2016). The Dethronement of Laws in Science. In Rethinking Order After the Laws of Nature. Cartwright, N. & Ward, K. London: Bloomsbury Academic. 25-52.
Cartwright, N. (2016). The Natural and the Moral Order: What’s to Blame?. In What Reason Promises (Essays on Reason, Nature and History). Doniger, W., Galison, P. & Neiman, S. Berlin Boston: De Gruyter. 13-18.
Cartwright, N. & Marcellesi, A. (2015). EBP: Where Rigor Matters. In Foundations and Methods from Mathematics to Neuroscience: Essays Inspired by Patrick Suppes. Crangle, Colleen, García de la Sienra, Adolfo & Longino, Helen E. Stanford: CSLI Publications.
Cartwright, N (2015). How Could Laws Make Things Happen?. In Laws of Nature, Laws of God? Proceedings of the Science and Religion Forum Conference 2014. Spurway, N Cambridge Scholars. 115-135.
Cartwright, N. (2014). Causality. In Philosophy of Social Science. A New Introduction. Cartwright, N. & Montuschi, E. New York: Oxford University Press.
Cartwright, N. (2014). Measurement. In Philosophy of Social Science. A New Introduction. Cartwright, N. & Montuschi, E. New York: Oxford University Press.
Cartwright, N. & Pemberton, J. (2013). Aristotelian Powers: Without Them, What Would Modern Science Do?. In Powers and Capacities in Philosophy: The New Aristotelianism. Greco, J. & Gross, R. New York: Routledge. 93-112.
Cartwright, N. (2013). Evidence, Argument and Prediction. In EPSA11 Perspectives and Foundational Problems in Philosophy of Science, The European Philosophy of Science Association Proceedings 2. Karakostas, V. & Dieks, D. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Cartwright, N. & Martin, E. (2012). Queen Physics: How Much of the Globe is Painted Red?. In God and the Scientist: exploring the work of John Polkinghorne. Watts, F. & Knight, C. Farnham, England: Ashgate. 67-76.
Cartwright, N. (2012). RCT’s, Evidence and Predicting Policy Effectiveness. In The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of the Social Sciences. Kincaid, H. New York: Oxford University Press. 298-318.
Cartwright, N. & Stegenga, J. (2011). A Theory of Evidence for Evidence-Based Policy. In Evidence, Inference and Enquiry. Dawid, P., Twining, W. & Vasilaki, M. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 291-322.
Cartwright, N. & Bradburn, N. (2011). A Theory of Measurement. In The importance of common metrics for advancing social science theory and research: a workshop summary. Li, Rose Maria Washington: National Academies Press. 53-56.
Cartwright, N. (2011). Evidence, External Validity and Explanatory Relevance. In Philosophy of Science Matters: The Philosophy of Peter Achinstein. Morgan, Gregory J. New York: Oxford University Press. 15-28.
Cartwright, N. (2011). Predicting ‘It Will Work for Us’: (Way) Beyond Statistics. In Causality in the Sciences. Illari, P.M., Russo, F. & Williamson, J. New York: Oxford University Press.
Cartwright, N. (2010). Foreword. In Fictions and Models: New Essays. Woods, J. Munich: Philosophia Verlag.
Cartwright, Nancy D (2010). Models: Parables v Fables. In Beyond Mimesis and Convention Representation In Art and Science. Frigg, R & Hunter, M Springer. 262 19-31.
Cartwright, N. (2010). Natural Laws and the Closure of Physics. In Visions of Discovery. New Light on Physics, Cosmology and Consciousness. Chiao, R.Y., Leggett, A.J., Cohen, M.L., Cohen, M.L. & Harper, C.L. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 612-622.
Cartwright, N. (2010). Relativism in the Philosophy of Science. In Relativism: A Contemporary Anthology. Krausz, M. New York: Columbia University Press. 86-99.
Cartwright, N (2009). Causal Laws, Policy Predictions, and the Need for Genuine Powers. In Dispositions and Causes. Handfield, T Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Cartwright, N (2009). Causality, Invariance and Policy. In The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Economics. Kincaid, H & Ross, D New York: Oxford University Press. 410-423.
Cartwright, Nancy D (2009). What is this thing called ‘efficacy’?. In Philosophy of the Social Sciences: Philosophical Theory and Scientific Practice. Mantzavinos, C Cambridge Cambridge University Press. 185-206.
Cartwright, N (2008). In Praise of the Representation Theorem. In Representation, Evidence, and Justification: Themes from Suppes. Frauchiger, M & Essler, W.K Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. 1: 83-90.
Cartwright, N & Chang, H (2008). Measurement. In The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Science. Psillos, S & Curd, M New York: Routledge.
Cartwright, N (2008). Replies. In Nancy Cartwright’s Philosophy of Science. Hartmann, S Hoefer, C & Bovens, L New York: Routledge.
Cartwright, N. (2008). Why be Hanged for Even a Lamb?. In Images of Empiricism. Monton, B. New York: Oxford University Press. 32-45.
Cartwright, N. (2007). Causal Laws, Policy Predictions and the Need for Genuine Powers. In Causal Powers: what are they? why do we need them? what can be done with them and what cannot?. Cartwright, N. London: CPNSS, LSE.
Cartwright, N (2007). Counterfactuals in Economics: A Commentary. In Causation and Explanation. Keim Campbell, J O’Rourke, M.O & Silverman, H.S Cambridge: MIT Press. 191-216.
Cartwright, N (2007). What Makes a Capacity a Disposition?,. In Dispositions and Causal Powers. Kistler, M. & Gnassounou, B. Burlington: Ashgate. 195-206.
Cartwright, N (2006). Against the ‘System’ Is There Value in Inconsistency? In Series on Common Goods: Law, Politics and Economics. Daston, L & Engel, C Baden-Baden: Nomos. 15.
Cartwright, N (2006). From Causation to Explanation and Back. In The Future of Philosophy. Leiter, B Oxford: Oxford Clarendon Press.
Cartwright, N (2005). Another Philosopher Looks at Quantum Mechanics. In Hilary Putnam. Ben-Menahem, Y New York: Cambridge University Press.
Cartwright, N (2005). How Can We Know What Made the Ratman Sick? Singular Causes and Population Probabilities. In Philosophy of Religion, Physics, and Psychology: Essays in Honor of Adolf Grünbaum. Jokić, A New York: Prometheus Books.
Cartwright, N, Alexandrova, A, Efstathiou, S, Hamilton, A & Muntean, I (2005). Laws. In Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy. Smith, M & Jackson F New York: Oxford University Press.
Cartwright, N (2005). My Understand to Philosophy [sic]. In Dang dai Ying Mei zhu ming zhe xue jia xue shu zi shu [The Academic Self-Statements of Contemporary British and American Distinguished Philosophers]. Ouyang, K Beijing: Ren min chu ban she. Publication in Chinese.
Cartwright, N (2005). No God; No Laws. In Dio, la Natura e la Legge. God and the Laws of Nature. Sindoni, E & Moriggi, S Milan: Angelicum-Mondo X.
Cartwright, N (2005). The Vanity of Rigour in Economics. Theoretical Models and Galilean Experiments. In The ‘Experiment’ in the History of Economics. Fontaine, P & Leonard, R
Cartwright, N & Reiss, J (2004). Uncertainty in Econometrics: Evaluating Policy Counterfactuals. In Economic Policy Under Uncertainty: The Role of Truth and Accountability in Policy Advice. Mooslechner, P, Schuberth, H & Schurz, M Northhampton: Edward Elgar Publishing LTD.
Cartwright, N (2001). Ceteris Paribus Laws and Socio-Economic Machines. In The Economic World View: Studies in the Ontology of Economics. Maki, U Cambridge University Press.
Cartwright, N (2001). Modularity: It Can – and Generally Does – Fail. In Stochastic Dependence and Causality. Costantini, D, Galavotti, M.C & Suppes, P California: CSLI.
Cartwright, N, Psillos, S & Chang, H (2001). Theories of Scientific Method: Models for the Physico-Mathematical Sciences. In The Cambridge History of Science Volume 5: Modern Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Nye, M.J New York: Cambridge University Press. 5.
Cartwright, N (2000). Against the Completability of Science. In The Proper Ambition of Science. Wolff, J & Stone, M.W.F New York: Routledge.
Cartwright, N (2000). An Empiricist Defence of Singular Causes. In Logic, Cause and Action: Essays in Honour of Elizabeth Anscombe. Teichmann, R New York: Cambridge University Press.
Cartwright, N (2000). Quantum Mechanics without the Observables. In The Reality of the Unobservable: Observability, Unobservability, and their Impact on the Issue of Scientific Realism. Agazzi, E & Pauri, M Dortrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Cartwright, N (1999). Capacities. In The Handbook of Economic Methodology. Davis, J.B, Hands, D.W & Mäki, U Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Cartwright, N (1999). Comments and Replies. In Proceedings of the Münster Colloquium. Paul, M Münster: LIT Verlag.
Cartwright, N (1999). Models and the Limits of Theory: Quantum Hamiltonians and the BCS Model of Superconductivity. In Models as Mediators. Morgan, M & Morrison, M New York: Cambridge University Press.
Cartwright, N (1998). Causality, Independence and Determinism. In Causal Models and Intelligent Data Analysis. Gammerman, A London: Springer Verlag.
Cartwright, N & Cat, J (1998). Causation. In The Routledge Encyclopaedia of Philosophy. Kegan, P & Craig, E New York: Routledge.
Cartwright, N (1998). Otto Neurath (1882-1945). In The Routledge Encyclopaedia of Philosophy. Kegan, P & Craig, E New York: Routledge.
Cartwright, N (1997). Comment on ‘Harold Hotelling and the Neoclassical Dream’, P. Mirowski and W. Hands. In Economics and Methodology. Backhouse, R, Mäki, U, Salanti, A & Hausman, D New York: Macmillan and St Martin’s Press.
Cartwright, N & Uebel, T.E (1997). Philosophy in the Earthly Plane. In Encyclopaedia and Utopia: The Life and Work of Otto Neurath. Nemeth, E & Stadler, F Münster: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Cartwright, N (1997). What is a Causal Structure? In Causality in Crisis? Statistical Methods and the Search for Causal Knowledge in the Social Sciences. McKim, V.R & Turner, S.P Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.
Cartwright, N (1997). Where Do Laws of Nature Come From?. In Dialectica. Chauvire, C & Ogien, A Paris: EHESS. 51: 65-78.
Cartwright, N (1997). Why Physics? In The Large, the Small and the Human Mind. Penrose, R & Longair, M New York: Cambridge University Press.
•Cartwright, N & Cat, J (1996). Neurath Against Method. In Origins of Logical Empiricism, Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, XVI. Giere, R.N & Richardson, A Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Cartwright, N. (1995). Causal Structures in Econometrics Models. In On the Reliability of Economic Models. Little, D. Münster: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 42: 63-89.
Cartwright, N (1995). Entries on “Neurath”, “Duhem”, “Feyerabend” and “Lakatos”. In The Oxford Companion to Philosophy. Honderich, E Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Cartwright, N (1995). How Laws Relate What Happens: Against a Regularity Account. In Pragmatik: Handbuch Pragmatischen Denkens Band V. Stachowiak, H Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag.
Cartwright, N, Cat, J, & Chang, H (1995). Otto Neurath: Politics and the Unity of Science. In The Disunity of Science. Galison, P & Stump, D Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Cartwright, N, Shomar, T & Suarez, M (1995). The Tool Box of Science: Tools for the Building of Models with a Superconductivity Example. In Theories and Models in Scientific Processes. Herfel, W.E, Krajewski, W, Niiniluoto, I & Wojcicki, R Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Cartwright, N (1995). Where in the World is the Quantum Measurement Problem? In Physik, Philosophie und die Einheit der Wissenschaften: Grundlagen der exakten Naturawissenschaften. Kruger, L & Falkenburg, B Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.
Cartwright, N & Hoefer, C (1994). Substantivalism and the Hole Argument. In Philosophical Problems of the Internal and External Worlds: Essays Concerning the Philosophy of Adolf Grünbaum. Earman, J, Janis, A, Massey, G & Rescher, N Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Cartwright, N (1993). How We Relate Theory to Observation. In World Changes: Thomas Kuhn and the Nature of Science. Cambridge. Horwich, P MA: MIT Press.
Cartwright, N (1993). Marks and Probabilities: Two Ways to Find Causal Structure. In Scientific Philosophy: Origins and Developments, Yearbook 1/93, Institute Vienna Circle. Stadler, F Münster: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Cartwright, N (1993). Mill and Menger: Ideal Elements and Stable Tendencies. In Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities. Maki, U Amsterdam: Rodopi. 38.
Cartwright, N (1992). Aristotelian Natures and the Modern Experimental Method. In Inference, Explanation and Other Philosophical Frustrations. Earman, J Oakland, CA: University of California Press.
Cartwright, N. & Jones, M. (1991). How to Hunt Quantum Causes. In Erkenntnis Orientated: A Centennial Volume for Rudolf Carnap and Hans Reichenbach. Spohn, W. Springer. 205-231.
Cat, J, Chang, H & Cartwright, N (1991). Otto Neurath: Unification as the Way to Socialism. In Einheit der Wissenschaften. Mittelstraβ, J New York: Walter de Gruyter.
Cartwright, N (1990). Quantum Causes: The Lessons of the Bell Inequalities. In Philosophy of the Natural Sciences: Proceedings of the 13th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Weingärtner, P & Schurz, G Vienna: Hölderlin-Pichler-Tempsky.
Cartwright, N. (1989). Capacities and abstractions. In Scientific Explanation. Kitcher, P. & Salmon, W.C. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 349-356.
Cartwright, N (1988). How to Tell a Common Cause: Generalisations of the Conjunctive Fork Criterion. In Probability and Causality. Fetzer, J.H Dortrecht: D. Reidel.
Cartwright, N (1988). Regular Associations and Singular Causes. In Causation, Chance and Credence. Skyrms, B & Harper, W.L Münster: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1.
Cartwright, N (1988). Ursachen und Mathematische Physik. In Philosophie, Physik, Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Muschik, W & Scheibe, E Berlin: Technische Universität Berlin.
Cartwright, N (1987). Max Born and the Reality of Quantum Probabilities. In The Probabilistic Revolution. Krüger, L, Gigerenzer, G & Morgan, M Cambridge, MA: Bradford Books. 2.
Cartwright, N (1987). Philosophical Problems of Quantum Theory: The Response of American Physicists. In The Probabilistic Revolution. Krüger, L, Gigerenzer, G & Morgan, M Cambridge, MA: Bradford Books. 2.
Cartwright, N (1986). Fitting Facts to Equations. In Philosophical Grounds of Rationality: Intentions, Categories and Ends. Grandy, R & Warner, R Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Cartwright, N (1986). Two Kinds of Teleological Explanation. In Human Nature and Natural Knowledge. Donagan, A, Perovich, A & Wedin, M Dortrecht: D. Reidel.
Cartwright, N & Mendell, H (1984). What Makes Physics’ Objects Abstract? In Science and Reality. Cushing, J.T, Delaney, C.F & Gutting, G.M Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.
Cartwright, N (1983). How the Measurement Problem is an Artefact of Mathematics. In Space, Time and Causality. Swinburne, R Dortrecht: D. Reidel.
Cartwright, N (1980). Do the Laws of Physics State the Facts?. In Pacific Philosophy Quarterly. 61: 64-75.
Cartwright, N (1980). Measuring Position Probabilities. In Studies in the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics. Suppes, P Michigan: Philosophy of Science Association.
Cartwright, N (1979). Philosophy of Physics. In Current Research in Philosophy of Science: Proceedings of the PSA Critical Research Problems Conference. Asquith, P.D & Kyburg, H.E Michigan: Philosophy of Science Association.
Cartwright, N. (1974). How Do We Apply Science?. In Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association. Cohen, R.S., Hooker, C., Michalos, A.C. & Van Evra, J. New York: Springer. 32: 713-719.
Cartwright, N. (1971). A Dilemma for the Traditional Interpretation of Quantum Mixtures. In Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association. Schaffner, K. & Cohen, R.S. Springer. 251-258.

Conference Papers

Cartwright, N. (2015), Philosophy of Social Technology: Get on Board, John Dewey Lectures 89: The American Philosophical Association: 2015 Pacific Division 89th Annual Meeting. Vancouver, Canada, The American Philosophical Association, 98-116.
Cartwright, N. (1988), A Case Study in Realism: Why Econometrics is Committed to Capacities, in Fine, Arthur & Leplin, Jarrett eds, Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 2: Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association. University of Chicago Press, East Lansing, Michigan, 190-197.
Cartwright, N. (1984), Causation and Physics: Causal Processes and Mathematical Derivations, in Asquith, Peter D. & Kitcher, Philip eds, Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 2: Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association. Philosophy of Science Association, East Lansing, Michigan, 391-404.
Cartwright, N. (1978), The Only Real Probabilities in Quantum Mechanics, in Asquith, P.D. & Hacking, I. eds, Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1: Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association. Philosophy of Science Association, East Lansing, Michigan, 54-59.

Conference Proceedings

Cartwright, N (1994). The Metaphysics of the Disunified World. Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Philosophy of Science Association.

Edited books

Cartwright, N. & Ward, K. (2016). Rethinking Order: After the Laws of Nature. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Cartwright, N. & Montuschi, E. (2014). Philosophy of Social Science: A New Introduction. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
Jones, M. R. & Cartwright, N. (2005). Idealization XII: Correcting the Model. Idealization and Abstraction in the Sciences. Poznan studies in the philosophy of the sciences and the humanities, v. 86. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Journal Articles

Cartwright, N. (2018). Big Systems Versus Stocky Tangles: It Can Matter to the Details. Erkenntnis 83(1): 3-19.
Game, E, Tallis, H, Olander, L, Alexander, S, Busch, J, Cartwright, N, Kalies, E, Masuda, Y, Mupepele, A, Qiu, J., Rooney, A, Sills, E & Sutherland, W (2018). Cross-disciplinary evidence principles for social-environmental sustainability. Nature Sustainability 1(9): 452–454.
Joyce, K.E. & Cartwright, N. (2018). Meeting Our Standards for Educational Justice: Doing Our Best with the Evidence. Theory and Research in Education 16(1): 3-22.
Deaton, Angus & Cartwright, Nancy (2018). Reflections on Randomized Control Trials. Social Science & Medicine 210: 86-90.
Cartwright, N. (2018). Theoretical Practices That Work: Those That Mimic Nature’s Own. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science 9(1): 165-173.
Deaton, Angus & Cartwright, Nancy (2018). Understanding and misunderstanding randomized controlled trials. Social Science & Medicine 210: 2-21.
Cartwright, N. (2018). What evidence should guidelines take note of?. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 24(5): 1139-1144.
Bateson, P., Cartwright, N., Dupré, J., Laland, K. & Noble, D. (2017). New trends in evolutionary biology: biological, philosophical and social science perspectives. Interface Focus 7(5): 20170051.
Cartwright, N., Hardie, J. & Stringer, R. (2017). Predicting What Will Happen When You Intervene. Clinical Social Work Journal 45(3): 270-279.
Cowen, N., Virk, B., Mascarenhan-Keyes, S. & Cartwright, N. (2017). Randomized Controlled Trials: How Can We Know “What Works”?. Critical Review 29(3): 265-292.
Bhakthavatsalam, S. & Cartwright, N. (2017). What’s so special about empirical adequacy?. European Journal for Philosophy of Science 7(3): 445-465.
Cartwright, N. (2016). Contingency and the order of nature. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 58: 56-63.
Cartwright, N. (2016). Loose Talk Kills: What’s Worrying about Unity of Method. Philosophy of Science 83(5): 768-778.
Cartwright, N. (2016). Where is the Rigor When You Need It?. Foundations and Trends® in Accounting 10(2-4): 106-124.
Cartwright, N. (2015). Scientific Models versus Social Reality. Building Research & Information: International Research, Development, Demonstration and Innovation 44(3-4): 334-337.
Cartwright, N. (2014). A Question of Nonsense. The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly (in honour of Edna Ullmann-Margalit) 63: 102-116.
Pemberton, J. & Cartwright, N. (2014). Ceteris paribus laws need machines to generate them. Erkenntnis 79(10): 1745-1758.
Cartwright, N. (2013). God’s Order, Man’s Order and the Order of Nature. Euresis journal 5: 99-108.
Cartwright, N. (2013). Knowing What We are Talking About: Why Evidence Doesn’t Always Travel. Evidence and Policy 9(1): 97-112.
Cartwright, N. (2012). Presidential Address: Will This Policy Work for You? Predicting Effectiveness Better: How Philosophy Helps. Philosophy of Science 79(5): 973-989.
Rol, M. & Cartwright, N. (2012). Warranting the use of causal claims: a non-trivial case for interdisciplinarity. Theoria 27(2): 189-202.
Cartwright, N. (2011). A philosopher’s view of the long road from RCTs to effectiveness. The Lancet 377(9775): 1400-1401.
Cartwright, N. & Efstathiou, S. (2011). Hunting Causes and Using Them: Is There No Bridge from Here to There?. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 25(3): 223-241.
Cartwright, N. (2011). Predicting what will happen when we act. What counts for warrant?. Preventive Medicine 53(4-5): 221-224.
Cartwright, N. (2010). Comments on Longworth and Weber. Analysis 70(2): 325-330.
Fennell, D. & Cartwright, N. (2010). Does Roush show that evidence should be probable?. Synthese 175(3): 289-310.
Cartwright, N., Goldfinch, A. & Howick, J. (2010). Evidence-Based Policy: Where Is Our Theory of Evidence?. Journal of Children’s Services 4(4): 6-14.
Cartwright, N. (2010). Hunting Causes and Using Them: Approaches in Philosophy and Economics. Analysis 70(2): 307-310.
Cartwright, N. (2010). Reply to Steel and Pearl: Hunting Causes and Using Them: Approaches in Philosophy and Economics. Economics and Philosophy 26(1): 87-94.
Cartwright, N. & Munro, E. (2010). The limitations of randomized controlled trials in predicting effectiveness. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16(2): 260-266.
Cartwright, N. (2010). What are randomised controlled trials good for?. Philosophical Studies 147(1): 59-70.
Cartwright, N (2009). Evidence-Based Policy: What’s to be Done About Relevance. Philosophical Studies 143(1): 127-136.
Cartwright, Nancy D. (2009). How To Do Things with Causes. Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 83(2): 5-22.
Cartwright, N. (2009). If No Capacities then No Credible Worlds. But Can Models Reveal Capacities?. Erkenntnis 70(1): 45-48.
Cartwright, N. (2009). Measuring Research Impact: Special Problems. Report for the Research Excellence Framework Consultation. London: Consortium of Institutes of Advanced Study
Cartwright, N & Suarez, M (2008). Theories: Tools versus Models. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 39(1): 61-81.
Cartwright, N. (2007). Are RCTs the Gold Standard?. BioSocieties 2(1): 11-20.
Cartwright, N. & Frigg, R. (2007). String theory under scrutiny. Physics World (September 2007): 14-15.
Cartwright, N (2007). Where is the Theory in our ‘Theories’ of Causality?. Journal of Philosophy CIII(2): 55-66.
Cartwright, N (2006). From Metaphysics to Method: Comments on Manipulability and the Causal Markov Condition. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 57(1): 197-218.
Cartwright, N. (2006). Well-Ordered Science: Evidence for Use. Philosophy of Science 73(5): 981-990.
Cartwright, N (2004). Causation: One Word, Many Things. Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 17 805-819.
Cartwright, N (2003). Two Theorems on Invariance and Causality. Philosophy of Science 70(1): 203-224.
Cartwright, N (2002). Against Modularity, the Causal Markov Condition and Any Link Between the Two: Comments on Hausman and Woodward. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 53: 411-453.
Cartwright, N (2002). In Favour of Laws that are Not Ceteris Paribus After All. Erkenntnis 57: 425-439.
Cartwright, N (2002). Introduction. Philosophical Books (dedicated to Nancy Cartwright’s The Dappled World) 43(4): 241-244.
Cartwright, N (2002). Reply. Philosophical Books (dedicated to Nancy Cartwright’s The Dappled World) 271-279.
Cartwright, N. (2001). Reply to P. Anderson’s ‘Review of The Dappled World’. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 32(3): 495-497.
Cartwright, N (2001). What is Wrong with Bayes Nets?. The Monist 84(2): 242-264.
Cartwright, N & Suárez, M (2000). Endpiece. Theoria 15: 123-128.
Cartwright, N (1999). Causal Diversity and the Markov Condition. Synthese 121(1/2): 3-27.
Cartwright, N (1999). The Limits of Exact Science, from Economics to Physics. Perspectives on Science 7(3): 318-336.
Pemberton, J.M (1999). The Methodology of Actuarial Science. British Actuarial Journal 5: 115-195.
Cartwright, N (1998). How Theories Relate: Takeovers or Partnerships? Philosophia Naturalis 35: 23-24.
Cartwright, N. (1997). Models: The Blueprints for Laws. Philosophy of Science 64: S292-S303.
Cartwright, N & Del Seta, M (1997). The Myth of Universalism: Theories of Science and Theories of Justice. Discussion Paper Series, CPNSS, LSE
Cartwright, N & Kitcher, P (1996). Science and Ethics: Reclaiming Some Neglected Questions. Perspectives on Science 4(2): 145-153.
Cartwright, N. (1995). “Ceteris Paribus” Laws and Socio-Economic Machines. The Monist 78(3): 276-294.
Cartwright, N (1995). False Idealization: A Philosophical Threat to Scientific Method. Philosophical Studies 77: 339-352.
Cartwright, N. (1995). Précis of Nature’s Capacities and Their Measurement. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 55(1): 153-156.
Cartwright, N (1995). Probabilities and Experiments. Journal of Econometrics 65(1): 47-59.
Cartwright, N (1995). Quantum Technology: Where to Look for the Quantum Measurement Problem. Philosophy and Technology: Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 38
Cartwright, N (1995). Reply to Eells, Humphrey and Morrison. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (Symposium on Nancy Cartwright’s Nature’s Capacities and Their Measurement) 55(1): 177-187.
Cartwright, N. (1994). Fundamentalism vs. the Patchwork of Laws. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 94(1): 279-292.
Cartwright, N & Chang, H (1993). Causality and Realism in the EPR Experiment. Erkenntnis 38: 169-190.
Cartwright, N (1993). In Defence of ‘This Worldly Causality: Comments on van Fraassen’s ‘Laws and Symmetry’. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 53(2): 423-429.
Cartwright, N (1993). Is Natural Science ‘Natural’ Enough? A Reply to Phillip Allport. Synthese 94: 291-301.
Cartwright, N (1991). Can Wholism Reconcile the Inaccuracy of Theory with the Accuracy of Prediction? Synthese 89(1): 3-13.
Cartwright, N (1991). Fables and Models. Proceedings of The Aristotelian Society Suppliment 65: 55-68.
Cartwright, N (1991). Replicability, Reproducibility, and Robustness: Comments on Harry Collins. History of Political Economy 23(1): 143-155
Cartwright, N (1989). The Born-Einstein debate: Where application and explanation separate. Synthese 81(3): 271-282.
Dupre, J & Cartwright, N (1988). Probability and Causality: Why Hume and Indeterminism Don’t Mix. Nous 22(4): 521-536.
Cartwright, N & Nordby, J (1983). How Approximations Take Us Away From Theory and Towards the Truth. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 64: 273-280.
Cartwright, N (1983). When Explanation Leads to Inference. Philosophical Topics 13: 111-121.
Cartwright, N (1980). The Reality of Causes in a World of Instrumental Laws. Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 38-48.
Cartwright, N (1980). The Truth Doesn’t Explain Much. American Philosophy Quarterly 17(2): 159-163.
Cartwright, N (1979). Causal Laws and Effective Strategies. Nous 13(4): 419-437.
Cartwright, N (1979). Do Token-Token Identity Theories Show Why We Don’t Need Reductionism? Philosophical Studies 36(1): 85-90.
Cartwright, N. (1978). Comments on Wesley Salmon’s ‘science and religion’. Philosophical Studies 33(2): 177-183.
Cartwright, N. (1977). The Sum Rule Has Not Been Tested. Philosophy of Science 44(1): 107-112.
Cartwright, N.D. (1975). A Non-Negative Wigner-Type Distribution. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 83(1): 210-212.
Cartwright, N. (1974). Correlations without joint distributions in quantum mechanics. Foundations of Physics 4(1): 127-136.
Cartwright, N. (1974). Superposition and macroscopic observation. Synthese 29(1-4): 229-242.

Other (Digital/Visual Media)

Deaton, A. & Cartwright, N. (2016). The limitations of randomised controlled trials. VOX, CEPR Policy Portal.
Bovens, L. & Cartwright, N. (2010). Measuring the Impact of Philosophy. II: 228-230.

Working Papers

Cartwright, N, Davey, C, Hargreaves, J, Hassan, S, Gough, D, Humphreys, M, Masset, E, Oliver, S, Prost, A & Bonell, C (2018). Designing evaluations to provide evidence to inform action in new settings.
Cartwright, N, Oliver, S, Gough, D, Stewart, R Dickson, K Bangpan, M, Pells, K, Hargreaves, J & Roche, C (2018). Stakeholder engagement for development impact and learning.
Cartwright, Nancy, Bradburn, Norman M. & Fuller, Jonathan (2016). A Theory of Measurement. 2016-07.
Cartwright, Nancy & Merlussi, Pedro (2016). Are laws of nature consistent with contingency?. 2016-06.
Deaton, A & Cartwright, N (2016). Understanding and misunderstanding randomized controlled trials. (NBER Working Paper No. w22595 ).
Cartwright, Nancy & Bhakthavatsalam, Sindhuja (2016). What’s so special about empirical adequacy?. 2016-08.
Cartwright, N., Cowen, N., Virk, B. & Mascarenhas-Keyes, S. (2015). Making the Most of the Evidence: Evidence-based policy in the classroom. CHESS Working Paper 2015-03.
Cartwright, N. (2015). Single Case Causes: What is Evidence and Why. CHESS Working Paper 2015-02.
Cartwright, N. (2014). Deliberating Policy: Where morals and methods mix – and not always for the best. CHESS Working Paper 2014-02.
Cowen, N. & Cartwright, N. (2014). Making the Most of the Evidence in Education: A Guide for Working Out What Works Here and Now. CHESS Working Paper 2014-03.